Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Love and the path of the heart

When you constantly make negative comments and "jokes" your brain doesn't register who they are towards, whether they're funny or not, and if they are serious or not. Your brain just registers that your talking or thinking negatively. Over time your mind takes all this negativity personally, like your making all the negative remarks about yourself. You are what you say and think. No one wants to surround themselves with a negative personality. Which in turn hurts your self esteem more and more. Your head is Negative, your life is full of negativity, and the people around you see this. Filling your life with love is much more fulfilling. If you want to build self esteem do esteem-able things. Following the path of the heart fills your life and others with joy. There is god in each of us and when you meet someone new speak to their heart with your heart. Speak to the god in them. The eternal self that resides in each one of our spiritual heart

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